Sharing Photos

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Alps 2 Ocean Trail – Aviemore Dam

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Sharing Photos


Perhaps the most exciting aspect of digital photography is the ability to quickly and easily share your

photographs: in print, photobooks or online.


Sharing in print

There are several ways to print digital photos, depending on convenience, quality and cost. Photo Kiosks are popular, but it pays to try several out in your area to find which produces the highest quality prints. Sending images online to have them printed is very convenient but depends on your broadband speed to upload high resolution photos. For very high quality enlargments it pays to go to a professional printer who specialise in large prints, canvas prints, prints on aluminum, etc.

Printing at home is very convenient, but for high quality prints you need photo-dedicated printers which are not cheap for producing large numbers of prints.

Read more – details of recommended printers …


Making Photobooks

The ability to make photobooks that should last for hundreds of years is a major feature of the new world of digital photography. Online systems and storage software are constantly changing, so making photobooks is a great way to ensure your best photos are there for the keeping – at the least a photobook could be scanned one day.

The main decision is the quality you want and the price you are willing to pay. Hard-covered books will last longer when being handled over time – but you might want to practice first on a small soft-covered book.  Some companies give you software to download to your computer, while with other companies you make the book online. Read more  – and links to companies


Sharing On Line

Sharing online is an exciting way to use your photos. There are a variety of ways of doing it – form sharing instantly from your smart phone, to making albums that are easily accessed online on a long term basis. You can decide if your photos are available to just family and friends or the wider public.

Many systems are free, but for added features such as the ability to bulk email friends, be advert free, or sell your photos, it may be worthwhile paying a few dollars a year to set up a more attractive system. The menu Brian’s Photos on this website is linked to SmugMug an attractive system which allows you to set up albums without the constraints of large companies like Google of Yahoo. Read more – and links to systems 
