Course Outline

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Course Outline

Digital Photography for Beginners 

Aimed at people with Compact or Basic SLR Cameras


Week 1 – Introduction to Digital Photography
How digital photography works – How to buy a digital camera – Set up a digital camera – Backup systems – How to take photos – Composition – Digital workflow – Download photos to a computer – Using a photo kiosk

Week 2 – Camera controls and Portraits
Digital camera controls – buttons, modes, menus and multiselectors – Which controls are essential – Portraits – Self timer – How to take a movie – Digital workflow – Filing and organising your images – – Keywords – Backup

Week 3 – Lighting, flash and editing
The importance of light – Controlling brightness – Exposure metering modes – White Balance – Controlling flash – Red eye reduction – Backlit portraits – Photographing babies and children – Editing software programs – Basic editing techniques

Week 4 – Improving your photographs and printing
Landscapes – Nature – Animals & Pets – Sports – Macro (closeup)- Printing at home – – How to buy a home printer – Printing cards, contact sheets – Making photo-books – Archiving prints

Week 5 – Travel photography and putting photos online
How to take better travel & holiday shots – Architectural photography – Night photography – Using High ISO – Photography and the internet – Emailing photos and putting photos on Trademe – -Flickr – Picasa

Week 6 – Photographing events – troubleshooting – SLR.s – Scanning
How to photograph events and celebrations – Troubleshooting – Extending editing controls (clone – healing) – SLR cameras – How to scan photos and slides – Restoring old photographs

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Milos Island, Greece.
